LOL dude fuck it get money and hoes
Hi, I'm Caudex! I am an electronic musician/producer (with over 8 years of experience), I design video games for fun, and am also a professional triangle player. I am not from Albany as the internet seems to insist. And I love cats, I REALLY love cats!
Age 28, Male
Joined on 5/2/12
LOL dude fuck it get money and hoes
I just ignore and keep doing shit anyway.
Yep, that's what I plan on doin'
(except from Narnia :)
Sucks. We're all being zero bombed I think. Anyway, I gave you some counter votes. Your shit is awesome. Keep it up.
Thanks, I will! :D
With counter votes, I mean to counter the zero bombers right. Not your songs of course.
firstly you can flush the toilet now.. i mean.. fuck.
secondly, zerobombers are here, they are now, they wont go.
just like Santa.. if you give him 1 cookie he WILL come back for more.
and like woman, if you give them 1 finger, they want.... i mean.. fuck!
Bombs away